Friday, May 1, 2015

Marrero Once Again Is Going to Feature Café Hope’s Local Food Festival

It’s spring in the Greater New Orleans area which means that it must be time for the many spring and summer festivals in all of the surrounding cities – including the West Bank – to make their appearance every weekend. In the spirit of good home making with fresh food and vegetables, Marrero once again is going to feature Café Hope’s Local Food Festival at the restaurant’s location at 1101 Barataria Blvd. in Marrero on Sunday, May 17, 2015.

Café Hope not only promotes the growing of fresh food, but this restaurant (with a full-fledged
garden next door) also is dedicated to the growth and maturity of the youth of the Greater New Orleans area. Café Hope trains interested participants on how to work in a professional restaurant environment, opening the door to the many restaurant working opportunities both on the West Bank as well as the city of New Orleans.

This year’s Local Food Festival is featuring a roasted pork sandwich with taleggio cheese and pickled kale from St. James Cheese Company; roasted eggplant salad, from Angeline; hogshead cheese, garnished with cucumber and cilantro from Coquette; Jamaican jerk pork loin stuffed with plaintains and pineapple, from Steamboat Natchez; cochon de lait, from the Rugby Pub; and chocolate or creole cream cheese ice cream, from Creole Creamery.

This event sponsored by Zatarain’s will also include additional food booths, children’s activities featuring a petting zoo, and a car show. Live, local music will be performed by Michael Liuzza, Los Poboycitos and Soul Creole. The proceeds from the event will be donated to Café Hope to benefit the restaurant training program for at-risk youth. This and other local festivals will be happening in Marrero, Louisiana, in the coming months, so check back often for the local news and events from The Parks of Plaquemines.

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